
COMING OCTOBER 2024: On the 6th August 2024 Colin Hough a Rocky View County employee and resident of Airdrie Alberta was shot to death on a rural road east of Calgary. RCMP say one of the men (Elijah Strawberry) accused of killing Colin has yet to be caught. I’ve been informed by the authorities that Strawberry had been released from Drumheller prison in the June of 2024. If the same crooked-corrupt and serious criminal acts, are still being committed by prison guards & staff at Drumheller prison, I’ll bet my bottom dollar that Elijah Strawberry had little to zero chance of being rehabilitated. That little to zero chance may have cost Colin Hough his life.

I am John Ned Kelly 67 tears old – website author. I served honourably in both the British and Canadian Armed Forces. I’ve been a Para-Legal for the last 30 plus years and have lived in Calgary since 1987. I’m also an ongoing Victim of Corrupt Crooked Calgary Cops & Their Cohorts. I can assure you the contents of my websites are the truth. Please view my websites ( links below )

As You Could Be Their Next Victim.

I was Inmate 719932E at Drumheller Prison Alberta 2013-2016.

I was wrongfully convicted and incarcerated at Drumheller prison in Alberta between December 2013 and the May of 2016. This website exposes many corrupt crooked & criminal acts committed by Drumheller Federal Prison guards and staff and their cohorts. against me and many others.

IT IS ASTOUNDING: that Tracey Farmer was appointed (August 2019) as the new Warden at Drumheller prison. Farmer was the Assistant Warden at the prison whilst I was there (2013-2016). In my time incarcerated at Drumheller Prison I never got to meet a more crooked, corrupt, lying conniving, scheming, low life individual than Assistant Warden Tracey Farmer. I’m including every Inmate, prison guard, prison staff and many others in this statement.

ASTONISHING: That a man with those character traits (listed above) can leave Drumheller prison as an Assistant Warden in the November of 2016, and then be returned as Warden in the August of 2019, shows just how deep and how far the corruption goes within Canada Service Corrections.

Whilst Assistant Warden at Drumheller prison, Tracey Farmer had his own gang of prison guards & staff, all complicit in committing very serious corrupt-crooked and criminal acts.

Below are just some of them, see page titled ABUSES for more.

1. Fabrication of Inmates reports.
2. Fabrication of Inmates(s) correctional plans.
3. Fabrication of Inmate(s) psychological files.
4. Filing of false charges against Inmates(s).
5. Manipulation of the Institutional court process.
6. Manipulation of investigations re; complaints against guards and others.
7. Manipulation of Inmate(s) day and full parole hearings.
8. Manipulation of Inmate(s) security rating/classification.
9. Violation of inmate(s) Charter rights.
10. Violation of Inmate(s) Human rights.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Within 24 hours of my arrival at Drumheller prison in the December of 2013, I was informed by a senior member of the prison staff that I was classed as a high profile prisoner, that the entire prison, guards and staff alike, were aware of who I was and that they’d been expecting me.

I was told that Chief Rick Hanson of the Calgary Police Service as well as the RCMP had reached out to the Wardens office (Asst Warden Tracey Farmer) and from there, on to the prison guards and staff.

I was also told there was a huge target on my back, that my stay would not be an easy or pleasant one, everything he told me, proved to be 100% correct.

There’s more than enough “sufficient evidence published” to prosecute a plethora of Drumheller Federal prison guards and staff, including Tracey Farmer the current Prison Warden.

Make no mistake, Prosecutions as well as convictions would have already happened, were they not being protected by Rotten Calgary Cops, as well as the RCMP, Corrections Canada, their cohorts and other individuals.

TRUE: Both sides of a contradiction cannot possibly be true. In a contradiction, one side’s either mistaken, misled or outright lying. And it’s very easy to find out which side, because a lie won’t fit a fact, it’ll only fit another lie made for that purpose, and the life of a lie, is just a question of time.

: FEB 2023 : Ivan Zinger the Correctional Investigator for Canada, is aware of all of this, and he is knowingly ignoring what’s been published and what he knows, as well as the many requests for investigations to be carried out, immediately.

Everything published on this website and sister websites, is the truth. Which can be corroborated by many documents and materials and personal experience. Many of the individuals named should have already faced serious charges and serious prison time.

VIEW MY WEBSITES: Then ask yourself this ” How did these prison guards and staff, get this crooked & corrupt & still remain unchecked without help from others.”

Much more to follow: johnkelly475@yahoo.ca